Choosing The Right Psychiatrist Telehealth Service in NYC

Connecting with a psychiatrist telehealth NYC (New York City) service provider can help with all three of the primary self-care goals, if you choose that provider carefully.

Choosing The Right Psychiatrist Telehealth Service in NYC

The Best Psychiatrist Telehealth in NYC: Mind, Body and Community

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19, and throughout the rise and plateau of the pandemic the need for psychiatric help has escalated. In fact, according to the WHO (World Health Organization) in the first year of the pandemic alone, occurrences of anxiety and depression increased by a staggering 25% all over the world1.

The largest and most prevalent message surrounding COVID-19 and mental health was (and still is) the importance of practicing self-care in order to combat symptoms of stress, which could lead to bigger issues. Although self-care will look different to each person, the main goals remain the same: take care of your mind, take care of your body and create community where you can.

However, even with the best intentions it is still possible to end up feeling overwhelmed and needing to reach out for help. Connecting with a psychiatrist telehealth NYC (New York City) service provider can help with all three of the primary self-care goals, if you choose that provider carefully.

The Best Psychiatrist Telehealth in NYC: Mind, Body and Community

Obviously, an appointment for a psychiatric evaluation, or appointments for psychiatric medication management and talk therapy are going to help to take care of your mind, but regular appointments with a psychiatrist or therapist can also be good for your body, as you will have someone providing positive reinforcement when you’re maintaining healthy physical habits. The best psychiatrist telehealth service will also help to foster a sense of community, in that they will ensure you will consistently have the same doctor or therapist attend all your appointments.

Choosing The Right Psychiatrist Telehealth Service in NYC

As mentioned above, when deciding which psychiatrist telehealth service to help you, it is important to choose that provider carefully. Make sure to ask the following questions;

Choosing The Right Psychiatrist Telehealth Service in NYC

Not all telepsychiatry practices are created equally though. Be sure to look for a practice that demonstrates a commitment to the following values:

Will I be seeing an actual medical doctor, or will it be a nurse practitioner?

The best services will be able to provide medical doctors that have the highest level of training, which is especially important for medication management.

Will I see the same doctor at every appointment?

A highly rated telepsychiatry practice will understand the value of the doctor-patient relationship and will seek to cultivate and maintain this by making sure you have the same doctor at every appointment.

What is the average wait time before an appointment starts?

Reputable psychiatrist telehealth practices respect your time and won’t double book appointments to ensure that your appointments always start at the scheduled time.

What app do I need to install for video-conferencing?

Best practice for teleconferencing is avoiding having patients use third party apps that can potentially compromise privacy. Look for a practice that offers sessions directly through their website. Further, you’ll also want to make sure any video-conferencing software adheres to HIPAA standards.

During the lockdown many people sought more accessible forms of mental health care such as psychiatrist telehealth services in NYC (New York City). Once they discovered the ease of these services, any other option seemed inconvenient. Look for the best in telepsychiatry and take care of your mind, your body and create community where you can.


  1. World Health Organization. COVID-169 pandemic triggers 25% increase in prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide. Available at: . Retrieved October 24, 2022. Rockville (MD): March 2, 2022.